델파이 컴포넌트 제작사인 TMS 에서 파이어몽키용 테이블 컴포넌트를 출시 했습니다.

맥 OSX와 아이폰에서 사용하면 인터페이스와 기능 향상에 도움이 될것 같습니다.



Feature overview

  • Highly styleable cross platform FireMonkey control
  • List item is fully customizable
  • TableView control with smooth scrolling with inertia, direct navigation, single & multi select
  • Built-in support for searching & filtering
  • Built-in support for editing items and/or delete items
  • TableView can display data in list mode and in group mode like in iOS
  • Buffered display for improved performance
  • Automatic generation of categories alphabetic, alphanumeric or custom category support
  • Support for HTML formatted text, including hyperlinks in header, footer, items
  • Optional detailview per item, any FireMonkey component that descends from TControl can be used to show the item detail
  • Built-in support for use with LiveBindings, allows to bind any item element to data
  • TTMSFMXHTMLText also included as separate component to show HTML formatted text
  • TTMSFMXBitmapContainer component also included for resouce friendly reuse of images
  • TTMSFMXBitmap component also included compatible with TTMSFMXBitmapContainer
  • TTMSFMXSearchEdit: edit control with embedded search / clear button
  • TTMSFMXBarButton: button control that can have arrow shape
  • Includes 3 demos and extensive PDF developers guide

TTMSFMXTableView in list layout with style edited to look similar to Twitterific.

TTMSFMXTableView in group layout, with bulb text, custom categories, item indenting.

TMS TableView Overview Demo

TTMSFMXTableView 100% full source compatible for cross platform application development on Windows 32bit, Windows 64bit, Mac OS-X and iOS (Overview Demo for iOS only in registered version).

TMS TableView LiveBindings Demo

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