세미나 델파이 생일, 웹 쎄미나

2012.02.01 22:45

박병일 조회 수:12667

델파이가 2월 14일로 17번째 생일을 맞습니다. 벌써 17년이라니 감회가 새롭습니다.

그리고 관련 웹 세미나가 있습니다, 관심있는 분들 기억해 두세요 ^_^

Delphi version 1.0 was launched at the Software Development Conference on February 14, 1995. The several thousand developers gave the team a standing ovation during the launch. This year we are celebrating 17 years of continuous innovation for the Delphi language, run-time library, Visual Component Library (VCL), database connectivity, application architectures, IDE, tool chain, and the new FireMonkey next generation business application platform. On our world tour stops for Delphi XE2 last fall, we again received standing ovations and big applause.

Join host David I and his special guests who will showcase many of the leading edge Delphi technologies, talk about customer success stories and provide tips for developers who want to move their applications into the future. This is one party you won’t want to miss!

Celebrating 17 years of continuous innovation with Embarcadero Delphi

In this two-hour online special event, you will learn how to:

  • Take advantage of Rapid Application Development across Windows, Mac, Mobile and Web
  • Leverage Delphi’s technology innovations for your application development success
  • Use the many Tips and Tricks that will speed up your development
  • Migrate your legacy Delphi application to the new FireMonkey business application platform
  • Build FireMonkey 3D applications for scientific, engineering, mathematics and automation industries

Date: Feb 14, 2012

Webinar Times:

  • 6:00am PST / 9:00am EST / 3:00pm CET
  • 11:00am PST / 2:00pm EST
  • 5:00pm PST / February 15 12:00pm Australian EDT

Webinar Registration details and registration page:


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문의 전화 : 02.595.4288 | 문의 메일 : ask@embarcadero.kr