현재 메모리에 올라와 있는 프로세스와 Application의 정보를 얻을 수 있는 오픈소스 클래스 입니다.
아래와 같이 다양한 정보를 한개의 클래스를 이용해서 참조 할 수 있습니다.

Process Info is a free Delphi component package containing two components:

  • TProcessInfo
  • TAppInfo

TProcessInfo provides a list of running processes. TAppInfo provides a list running applications (similar to Application tab in Windows Task Manager). Both components can update their list frequently based on the value of Interval property.

TProcessInfo returns a collection of TProcessItem objects. Each instance of TProcessItem provides these information and actions for the process:

  • CPU Usage
  • Creation time
  • Kernel time
  • User time
  • Is 64-Bits process?
  • EXE file name
  • Full image path
  • Process ID
  • Parent process ID
  • Base priority class
  • Terminate process
  • Threads count
  • UserName
  • Modules list (TModuleItem)
    • Base address
    • Base size
    • Handle
    • Load count
    • Module ID
    • Module path
    • ProcessID
  • Threads list (TThreadItem)
    • Base priority
    • Parent process ID
    • Resume thread
    • Suspend thread
    • Terminate thread
    • Thread ID
  • Memory info (TMemoryInfo)
    • Page Fault Count
    • Peak Working Set Size
    • Working Set Size
    • Quota Peak Paged Pool Usage
    • Quota Paged Pool Usage
    • Quota Peak Non-paged Pool Usage
    • Quota Non-paged Pool Usage
    • Page file Usage
    • Peak Page file Usage
  • Base priority

TAppInfo returns a collection of TWindowItem. Each instance of TWindowItem provides these information for the window:

  • Window caption
  • Application path
  • Process ID
  • Window handle
  • Window class

A simple demo is also included which shows basic functionalities of TProcessInfo, and TAppInfo by creating a simple task manager. Demo is tested on Delphi 7, Delphi 2009, and Delphi 2010.

Process Info is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

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