2012년 소프트웨어 개발 트랜드를 확인해 볼 수 있는 웹세미나가 1월 23일에 있습니다. 데이비드 아이를 비롯한 여러분들이 다양한 주제로 어러분을 기다립니다. 바로 등록 하세요 ^^


Software Development Trends 2012 Webinar - January 23rd

Software Development Trends 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

6:00am PST / 9:00am EST / 3:00pm CET
11:00am PST / 2:00pm EST
5:00pm PST / January 24 12:00pm Australian EDT

Join Embarcadero’s David I in an interactive discussion with Michael Swindell, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Products and John Thomas, Director of Product Management on the trends software developers need to be ready for in the new year. 

Topics and trends that will be covered include:

  • What developers need to know to be successful in 2012
  • Productive Windows and Mac application development in your workplace
  • Adding mobile applications to your business infrastructure
  • Cloud applications and storage and their impact on software developers
  • Multi-client, multi-platform, multi-database, multi-tier – how to leverage it all in 2012

You will get insight into technologies that are making a difference for ISVs and enterprises and how you can use Embarcadero tools to create great software that puts you ahead of the competition.  You’ll also get a chance to ask questions during a live Q&A session at the end.

Join us for this valuable session with information that every developer using RAD Studio, Delphi, C++Builder, Embarcadero Prism and RadPHP needs to know!

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