닉호지스( Nick Hodges)는 델파이의 아버지 정도로 말할 수있는 유명한 개발자죠. ^_^

인터넷에 델파이 개발자들 사이에 떠도는 닉호지스 유머 입니다.
닉호지스는 델파이계의 척노리스다 정도로 이해 하시면 재미있습니다.

예를 들면 오직 닉호지스만 0으로 문자열을 나눌 수 있다. 라든가
닉호지스는 에러가 없다. 그가 바로 에러니까 등등 입니다..

누가 재미있게 번역 좀 해주세요 ^_^

Nick Hodges is a really cool guy. He has contributed immensely to the community over the years, both by means of sharing his code and libraries, his ideas - and last but not least, by being a part of the community rather than the bureaucracy.
He is, for lack of a better phrase - the Chuck Norris of Delphi!
But no chuck-norris can be without his very own zen koans. As such we have dedicated the following Nick Hodges legend snippets in classical chuck norris poetry!
We love you nick! Keep up the good work!
The zen of Nick Hodges
Only Nick Hodges can divide a string by zero
Nick Hodges doesn't have caps-lock on his computer, he wears them freely
Nick Hodges is not afraid of uncle Sam, he floatsam and jetsam
Nick Hodges doesn't run, he TSpringFramework
Why does Nick Hodges live in a really small place? Because all his objects are in the computer
How does Nick Hodges pass insults? "In-ter-face!
Nick Hodges never has exceptions. He is the exception
Nick Hodges doesn't laugh, he TSmiley
Nick Hodges doesn't look to the stars for answers, he recruits them
Nick Hodges never comments his code. He rants it.
Nick Hodges doesnt use sarcasm, only ASM
Nick Hodges would never redecorate, only refactor.
Nick Hodges will never cast the first stone, but redeclare it TMyStone = class(TheFirstStone);
Nick Hodges never use hints, only pointers
Nick Hodges could cast a pointer and save the world. To bad he never does.
Nick Hodges never sleeps, he's still waiting for an OnIdle to occur.
Nick Hodges does freedom, not FreeAndNil
They once made a Nick Hodges toilet paper, but it wouldn't take shit from anyone.
Nick Hodges doesn't stop for breakpoints. They stop for him.
Nick Hodges accidentally wrote an infinite loop once, but the compiler fixed it.
A server once fell on Nick Hodges, after 3 days it caught fire
Nick Hodges never create problems. He has IFactories for that.
Nick Hodges doesn't need a linker, his voice makes the units bind together naturally-
Nick Hodges can't let a good argument pass in any function.
Nick Hodges has already been to Mars.  That's why there are no bugs up there.
Why doesn't Nick Hodges buy anything? Because if he needs an object, he simply creates it.
I once told Nick Hodges that he could use a yoga class. He asked me what the Parent class was.
Feel free to add more suggestions as a comment below.
번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
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