자유롭게 질의 및 응답을 할 수 있는 게시판입니다. 개발자 여러분의 답변이 큰 도움이 됩니다. 
  • 제품설치/등록 오류 문의: 설치/등록 Q&A 이용 (제품 구매 고객 한정)


embarcadero XE3 s/w 구매 후 설치를 하였는되요.

새 프로젝트를 open 후 compile을 하면 LME286 에러가 발생을 합니다.

그런데 신기한건 64bit platform으로 compile을 하면 에러가 발생을 하지않고, 32bit platform으로 compile 할때만 에러가 발생을 합니다.



os : Windows7 Enterprise K 32비트 운영체제


에러 메세지

[ilink32 Warning] Warning: Error detected (LME286)
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unable to perform link



Checking project dependencies...
Compiling Project1.cbproj (Debug, Win32)
brcc32 command line for "Project1.vrc"
  c:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\10.0\bin\cgrc.exe -c65001 "Project1.vrc" -foProject1.res
ilink32 command line
  c:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\10.0\bin\ilink32.exe -L.\Win32\Debug;"c:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\10.0\lib\Win32\debug";
  "c:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\10.0\lib\win32\release";"c:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\10.0\lib\win32\release\psdk";"C:\Program
  Files\Raize\CS5\Lib\RS-XE3\Win32";"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\10.0\DCP" -j.\Win32\Debug;"c:\program files\embarcadero\rad
  studio\10.0\lib\Win32\debug";"c:\program files\embarcadero\rad studio\10.0\lib\win32\release";"c:\program files\embarcadero\rad
  studio\10.0\lib\win32\release\psdk";"C:\Program Files\Raize\CS5\Lib\RS-XE3\Win32";"C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\10.0\DCP" -l.\Win32\Debug -v
  -GA"C:\Users\samsung\AppData\Local\Temp\vfs350E.tmp"="C:\Users\samsung\Documents\RAD Studio\Projects\Unit1.dfm" -aa -V5.0 -G8 -Tpe  c0w32w rtl.bpi
  vcl.bpi memmgr.lib sysinit.obj .\Win32\Debug\Project1.obj .\Win32\Debug\Unit1.obj , .\Win32\Debug\Project1.exe , .\Win32\Debug\Project1.map ,
  import32.lib cp32mti.lib , , Project1.res
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ilc: 0x00010000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ild: 0x00010000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ilf: 0x00010000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ils: 0x00040000 / 0x06000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: unknown heap name   : 0x08000000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: Error detected (LME286)
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: Unable to perform incremental link - performing full link...
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ilc: 0x00010000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ild: 0x00010000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ilf: 0x00010000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ils: 0x00040000 / 0x06000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: unknown heap name   : 0x08000000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ilc: 0x00010000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ild: 0x00010000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ilf: 0x00010000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: C:/Users/samsung/Documents/RAD Studio/Projects/Win32/Debug/Project1.ils: 0x00040000 / 0x06000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: unknown heap name   : 0x08000000 / 0x08000000
[ilink32 Warning] Warning: Error detected (LME286)
[ilink32 Error] Error: Unable to perform link

Elapsed time: 00:00:05.1



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