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Delphi HTML5 Builder 질문

2014.06.03 20:08

초초보 조회 수:1944

Deloy to Mobile 메뉴로

안드로이드 어플 만드는데

Run the project in an emulator or real device 화면에서

Emulator 로 돌리면 정상적으로 어플이 구동 되는데

Real Device 로 올리면 아래와 같이 나오면서 어플이 실제 디바이스 에서 구동이 되지 않습니다

왜 그런거죠?

이전에 똑같은 질문을 올렸는데 답변이 없어서 다시 올립니다

빠른 답변 부탁드립니다.

(Real Device --> 겔럭시탭 8.9 , 안드로이드 버전 4.0.4 입니다)


Running adb server...
Buildfile: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testtest\build.xml

 [checkenv] Android SDK Tools Revision 20.0.1
 [checkenv] Installed at C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk
     [echo] Project Name: Project2
  [gettype] Project Type: Application
     [echo] Resolving Build Target for Project2...
[gettarget] Project Target:   Android 1.5
[gettarget] API level:        3
[gettarget] WARNING: Attribute minSdkVersion in AndroidManifest.xml (5) is higher than the project target API level (3)
     [echo] ----------
     [echo] Creating output directories if needed...
     [echo] Resolving Dependencies for Project2...
[dependency] Library dependencies:
[dependency] No Libraries
[dependency] ------------------
[dependency] API<=15: Adding annotations.jar to the classpath.
     [echo] Building Libraries with 'debug'...
   [subant] No sub-builds to iterate on
[mergemanifest] Found Deleted Target File
[mergemanifest] Merging AndroidManifest files into one.
[mergemanifest] Manifest merger disabled. Using project manifest only.
     [echo] Handling aidl files...
     [aidl] No AIDL files to compile.
     [echo] Handling RenderScript files...
[renderscript] No RenderScript files to compile.
     [echo] Handling Resources...
     [aapt] Found Deleted Target File
     [aapt] Generating resource IDs...
     [aapt] C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testtest\bin\AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'largeScreens' in package 'android'
     [aapt] C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testtest\bin\AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'normalScreens' in package 'android'
     [aapt] C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testtest\bin\AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'smallScreens' in package 'android'
     [aapt] C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testtest\bin\AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'xlargeScreens' in package 'android'
     [aapt] C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testtest\bin\AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'resizeable' in package 'android'
     [aapt] C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\testtest\bin\AndroidManifest.xml:4: error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'anyDensity' in package 'android'
C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:621: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\tools\ant\build.xml:657: null returned: 1
Total time: 0 seconds

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