Rad Studio Update4 가 나왔습니다.
2012.01.19 19:10
Rad Studio 와 델파이의 Update4가 나왔습니다.
아이폰 개발관련 변화가 돋보이는데요. 우선 프리파스칼 컴파일러가 2.6으로 업그레이드 되었구요.
IOS 3.0은 더이상 지원하지 않는군요. 아마도 퍼포먼스와 관련한 향상이 이루어진것 같습니다.
IOS에서 탭바를 이용할 수 있게 된건 환영 입니다.
업데이트가 자주 나오는건 더 열심히 개발하고 지원하겠다는 의지로 보면 되겠죠?
자세한 사항은 아래의 링크와 내용을 참조 하세요. ^_^
Release Notes for XE2 Update 4
Go Up to What's New in Delphi and C++Builder XE2
This file contains important supplementary information that might not appear in the main product documentation. Embarcadero Technologies recommends that you read this file in its entirety.
This document refers to "the product" when the information applies to RAD Studio XE2 or to either or both of the two personalities: Delphi XE2 and C++Builder XE2.
For general information about installation, deployment, and licensing, see the Install, Deploy, and License HTML files located, by default, at C:\Program Files\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0. On a 64-bit Windows system, the directory is C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\RAD Studio\9.0.
Contents |
Obtaining this Update
Delphi and C++Builder XE2 Update 4 is a full inline update that requires uninstalling your existing RAD Studio product before installing the update.
You can obtain this update in any of the following three ways:
- Upgrading via the Automatic Upgrade Mechanism
- Manually Checking for Updates
- Downloading from the Registered Users Web Page
Using the Automatic Upgrade Mechanism or Manually Checking for Updates
- If you selected "Check for Updates Automatically" when you installed the product, you should automatically be notified when an update is available for download.
- Click the notification to start the update installer.
- Follow the instructions given in the installer.
- After product installation completes, perform the additional steps described in #Additional Installation Steps.
Manually Checking for Updates
If you do not receive an automatic notification about the update, you can check for updates manually:
- Select Start | Programs | Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 | Check for updates.
- In the list of available updates, select Update 4. This starts the installer.
- Follow the instructions given in the installer.
- After the product installation completes, perform the additional steps described in #Additional Installation Steps.
Downloading from the Registered Users Web Page
Update 4 is also available for download from the registered users download pages as follows:
- Delphi XE2: http://cc.embarcadero.com/reg/delphi
- C++Builder XE2: http://cc.embarcadero.com/reg/c_builder
- RAD Studio XE2: http://cc.embarcadero.com/reg/rad_studio
- Download the update to your computer and extract the zip file.
- Uninstall the product. For instructions, see Installation Notes for XE2#Uninstalling the Product.
- Install the update by double-clicking the installer.
Then follow the #Additional Installation Steps to install the update.
Additional Installation Steps
After you obtain and install the update, as described in the preceding sections, you should update FireMonkey iOS tools and the Platform Assistant using the steps described here:
1. Reinstall FireMonkey iOS Tools
If you are using FireMonkey iOS tools on the Mac, you also need to reinstall the FireMonkey-iOS-XE2.pkg, as follows:
- Transfer the FireMonkey-iOS.dmg disk image file to the Mac. (FireMonkey-iOS.dmg is located inside the top-level "FireMonkey-iOS" folder in your product installation directory.)
- On the Mac, double-click FireMonkey-iOS.dmg.
- Run the installer inside each package.
There is no uninstall required for the FireMonkey iOS tools. If you previously installed the FireMonkey iOS tools, you can run the new installer (FireMonkey-iOS.dmg) that is part of this update without doing any uninstall.
Note: This installer is now compatible with Xcode 4.2. Note that while Xcode 4.2 includes the iOS 5.0 SDK, the new features of iOS 5 are not supported. FireMonkey applications can be deployed to devices running iOS 5.
For more information about FireMonkey iOS, see:
- Installation Notes for XE2#FireMonkey iOS Requirements
- FireMonkey Platform Prerequisites
- FireMonkey Development Setup for iOS
- Creating a FireMonkey iOS App
2. Install the Platform Assistant Update
If you are using the Platform Assistant for cross-platform application development, you need to uninstall the Platform Assistant and then install the updated Platform Assistant, as described here:
- To uninstall the Platform Assistant:
- On Windows, use the existing Uninstall PAServer.exe to uninstall the Platform Assistant.
- On the Mac, use the existing Uninstall command to uninstall the Platform Assistant.
- Note: The Uninstall programs are located in the installation directory for the Platform Assistant on the PC and on the Mac.
- To install the updated Platform Assistant on your target platforms:
- On Windows, double-click PAServer.exe.
- On the Mac, move the PAServer.zip file to the Mac and double-click PAServer.zip.
For more information, see Installing and Running the Platform Assistant (paserver) on the Target Platform.
Uninstalling this Update
If you need to uninstall the update, you must uninstall the entire product and reinstall a full build. It is not possible to uninstall only the update.
General Notes
Bug List
For a complete list of the specific problems fixed in this update, see the "List of Bug Fixes in Delphi and C++Builder XE2 Update 4" at: http://edn.embarcadero.com/article/nnnnn/
Changes and New Features in XE2 Update 4
This update includes the following new and changed features:
- Firemonkey OS X changes:
- Printing is now supported
- Performance improvements have been added for:
- FMX.TEdit
- FMX.Memo.TMemo
- FMX.Memo.TMemo.Text now has public access (previously had published access).
- Shaders
- Loading a form from DLL is now supported
- FireMonkey iOS changes:
- Support for Free Pascal version 2.6.0 has been added
- iOS device 3 is no longer supported
- TabBar is available on the top of the screen (not on the bottom)
- Scrolling behavior is improved
- Workaround is available for accessing global variables in ASM code on OS X (see Accessing Global Variables in ASM on Windows and OS X)
Interface Changes in Update 4
FireMonkey Interface Changes: The following changes were made to FireMonkey for Update 4.
Types and Methods Added or Modified
- TColorQuad.GetIsTracking
- TColorQuad.PreviewColor
- TColorQuad.SetColor
- TColorComboBox.GetDefaultStyleLookupName
- TColorListBox.GetDefaultStyleLookupName
- TColorListBox.SetItems
- TComboColorBox.GetDefaultStyleLookupName
- sCannotCreateCircularDependence
- sCantEndPrintJob
- sCantPrintNewPage
- sCantSetNumCopies
- sCantStartPrintJob
- sInvalidPageFormat
- sInvalidPrinterSettings
- sMkcCmd
- TAniIndicator.ApplyStyle
- TAniIndicator.FreeStyle
- TBitmapTrackBar.GetDefaultStyleLookupName
- TCustomTrack.GetThumbSize
- TPageSetupDialog.SetPageHeight
- TPageSetupDialog.SetPageWidth
- TComboEditBase
- TComboEdit.Clear
- TComboEdit.MouseWheel
- TComboTrackBar.DoComboMouseDown
- TInnerGlowEffect.GetGlowColor
- TInnerGlowEffect.SetGlowColor
- TInnerGlowEffect.SetOpacity
- TInnerGlowEffect.SetSoftness
- TCalendarBox.GetDefaultStyleLookupName
- TCalendarEdit.GetDefaultStyleLookupName
- TImageViewer.GetDefaultStyleLookupName
- TGlowFilter
- TInnerGlowFilter
- TReflectionFilter
- TColumn.SetVisible
- TColumn.TextChangeProc
- TColumn.TextTypingProc
- TCustomGrid.DoSelChanged
- TCustomGrid.GetVisibleColumnCount
- TCustomGrid.SetTopRow
- TScrollBox.CreateHScrollTrackAni
- TScrollBox.CreateVScrollTrackAni
- TScrollBox.Center
- TMemo.DefineProperties
- TMemo.DoContentPaintWithCache
- TMemo.HScrollChange
- TMemo.ReadTextData
- TMemo.ResetLineWidthCache
- TPopupMenu.DialogKey
- TextToShortcut
- TDisk
- TCone.RebuildMesh
- TCone.SetSubdivisionsAxes
- TCone.SetSubdivisionsCap
- TCone.SetSubdivisionsHeight
- TCube.RebuildMesh
- TCube.SetSubdivisionsDepth
- TCube.SetSubdivisionsWidth
- TCube.SetSubdivisionsHeight
- TCylinder.RebuildMesh
- TCylinder.SetSubdivisionsAxes
- TCylinder.SetSubdivisionsCap
- TCylinder.SetSubdivisionsHeight
- TMesh.Render
- TPlane.RebuildMesh
- TPlane.SetSubdivisions.Height
- TPlane.SetSubdivisions.Width
- PClipRects
- TClipRects
- TCanvas.BeginScene
- TCanvas.DoBeginScene
- TCanvas.DoEndScene
- TFmxObject.IsChildren
- TContext3D.AssignTo
- TContext3D.DoBeginScene
- TContext3D.DoEndScene
Types and Methods Removed
- TCommonDialog.FHelpMsg
- TComboEdit.MouseDown
- TComboTrackBar.MouseDown
- TCalendarEdit.MouseDown
- TCustomForm3D.AddLight
- TCustomForm3D.ApplyLights
- TCustomForm3D.DeleteLight
- TCone.Render
- TCylinder.Render
- TPlane.Render
- TPlane destructor
- TRoundCube.Render
- TSphere destructor
- TSphere render
- TViewPort3D.AddLight
- TViewPort3D.ApplyLights
- TViewPort3D.DeleteLight
New VCL Styles
This update includes seven new VCL styles:
- CharcoalDarkSlate.vsf
- Auric.vsf
- PureBlue.vsf
- PureBlack.vsf
- TurquoiseGray.vsf
- CyanDusk.vsf
- CyanNight.vsf
VCL Styles are typically installed in C:\Users\Public\Documents\RAD Studio\9.0\Styles.
For more information about VCL styles, see VCL Styles Overview.
댓글 0
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