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무료 웹 세미나가 2월1일에 있습니다. 한번 들어 보세요 ^_^

InterBase Webinar Q1 2012_680x150

Embed. Deploy. Relax! Introducing InterBase XE Database

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

6:00am PST / 9:00am EST / 3:00pm CET
11:00am PST / 2:00pm EST
5:00pm PST / February 2 12:00pm Australian EDT

Do you need a low cost, high performance workgroup or embedded database? Our customers select InterBase because it’s easy to install, has a small footprint, requires no administration and is incredibly scalable and powerful. Join us for this Free webinar to learn about this amazing technology and how you can utilize it for your business critical, desktop, workgroup and embedded applications.

In this webinar, you will learn:
• What’s new in InterBase XE security, scalability and performance
• How ISVs and customers use InterBase when designing, implementing and optimizing their applications 
• How to utilize cloud services with InterBase
• How to take advantage of the tight InterBase integration with RAD Studio XE2 and FireMonkey when creating 
  multi-platform applications
• Rapid Application Development of multi-tier InterBase database applications using DataSnap™
• Ease of migration from previous InterBase versions to XE

Please fill out the form below to register for your choice of three webinar events:

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Last Name 



Job Title 


Email Address 


Business Phone 


State or Province 






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