The Embarcadero documentation team has put together a new "FireMonkey Quick Start Guide" that will help everyone new to FireMonkey. The guide will take you get started building Windows, Mac and iOS Applications with FireMonkey.  Quoting from the opening page of the Quick Start Guide, "This Quick Start Guide walks you through the basic development steps needed to create your first FireMonkey application and is designed to give you a basic understanding of the FireMonkey business application platform. It also includes links to detailed tutorials at each step of the development process to help you acquire in-depth knowledge of the FireMonkey application platform."

Included in the FireMonkey Quick Start Guide are tutorials, information and links for

Welcome to FireMonkey, the first native CPU- and GPU-powered application platform for building rich business applications.  Get your next generation application development started today by downloading the trial and/or buy ourFireMonkey supporting XE2 products: Delphi XE2C++Builder XE2RAD Studio XE2.

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